Your “presence” through words of encouragement is so meaningful during this time of isolation. As we continue to receive your cards, letters, and gifts we’ll post some of them here in appreciation.
What you can do right now
During this crisis, Indwell is providing additional supports for tenants. We need your gifts now—even more than before—as we navigate through these challenges, and as we continue to provide communities of hope.
Now, more than ever, it is important that our tenants feel connected with others, even if they cannot be physically connected. Mail a card or note of encouragement to be shared with our tenants who may be feeling isolated at this time.
Indwell has established a special fund to address food security and increase wellness programs for tenants. It is important that they maintain their physical and mental health during this unsettling time of social distancing and self-isolation.
Please pray for Indwell’s tenants, especially those who struggle with isolation and loneliness during this time. Please remember our staff who provide direct support to our tenants.