
It's all about relationship

Some partnerships are formal (CMHC, Ministry of Health, foundations, etc.) but many remain informal. Partnerships are critical every step of the way— from initial discussion through ongoing operations.


Community Exploration

Who to involve:

Considering a Potential Property

Who to involve:

Purchasing a Project Site

Who to involve:

Project Construction

Who to involve:

Program Launch and Forward

Who to involve:

This Indwell project received funding from the National Housing Strategy under the NHS Demonstrations Initiative; however, the views expressed are the personal views of Indwell and CMHC accepts no responsibility for them. The Demonstrations Initiative highlights innovative solutions aiming to improve the performance, viability and effectiveness of affordable housing.



Send a note of encouragement

Now more than ever, it is important that our tenants feel connected with others, even if they cannot be physically connected. Send a note of encouragement to be shared with our tenants who are feeling isolated at this time.

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