• Community
Advent Devotional 5: Christmas

The season of advent waiting and preparations is over.  Today we celebrate that the Creator of the Universe dwells among us.  And that good news changes everything!

We journey through life’s ups and downs often making preparations and regularly waiting.  Children are taught to wait their turn and those who practice “delayed gratification” are frequently rewarded.      

We wait in lines to get food or a gift.  We prepare for holiday gatherings.  Sometimes we wait for test results or we wait to hear if we’ill get a second chance.  Often, we anxiously wait for the next thing, event or person that we hope will bring us delight.  Unfortunately, all too often our waiting ends in disappointment, loss or even harm.

But not today.  Today we pause our journey of waiting and preparations.  We mark this day as distinctly different.  Today is a day to celebrate. 

We celebrate that the mysterious, all-powerful God came to the earth as a human to dwell among us.  In dwelling among us, Jesus offered his life, teaching and a way forward.  Today we celebrate that Christ came and that, one day, Christ will come again to make all things new.

That means we can celebrate that our wounds, mistakes and disordered heart doesn’t define us.  We celebrate that, even if we feel isolated or alone, we can know that we are not alone and we are a part of a really, really large community where we belong.

Today we pause to acknowledge that, though all might not be right in the world, as the angel proclaimed long ago, there is good news for you, “wonderful, joyous news for all people.”  Christ has come to dwell among us.

Whether your celebrations be full of laughter with people you love, or if this Christmas is quiet or even solemn, may you celebrate the Creator dwelling among us and may you rest in the hope that there is a trajectory to your life story and to this world.  Because of Christ dwelling among us, there is hope and a home for all to belong.

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