• Community
10 ways you can honour Truth and Reconciliation Day this year

1. Wear an orange shirt on September 30 to honour survivors of residential schools and those who never returned home.

Listen to the story behind Orange Shirt Day from Phyllis (Jack) Webstad

The Woodland Cultural Centre has some excellent Orange Shirt Day 2021 resources.

2. Reconciliation: A Starting Point / Indigenous People App

Download the app on your phone for access to information and resources on Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Indigenous Peoples: Learning at your fingertips

3. Residential School Map

Find out if there was a residential school in your area or where the closest one is located by using the CBC Beyond94 Residential School Map.

4. Residential School Survivor Stories

This is a video collection of survivor stories.  You might consider watching these individually or as a team to continue understanding and healing. Follow-up with a discussion of what you heard.

5. Let the Truth Be Told

This is a curriculum resource designed to help with humanizing and decolonizing education.

6. Review – Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action

In 2015 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada produced 94 Calls to Action. If you have never read them we encourage you to read this document. You can access further resources at www.trc.ca.

7. Review – United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The official resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on September 13, 2007

9. Visit a local Indigenous organization, Friendship Centre, community group or museum.

If invited or open to the public, attend local Indigenous cultural events taking place in your community.

10. Learn the land acknowledgment in your region or develop one of your own in consultation with local Indigenous communities.

Be sure to carefully consider your relationship to the land that you live on and the traditional territories of the Indigenous Peoples who were there for thousands of years before colonization.


Send a note of encouragement

Now more than ever, it is important that our tenants feel connected with others, even if they cannot be physically connected. Send a note of encouragement to be shared with our tenants who are feeling isolated at this time.

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