• Donations
Big or small, every gift makes an impact

Before coming to Indwell five years ago, I’d worked for a large accounting firm and had volunteered with a Christian camp and a ministry to Cuba on the side. While the work was challenging, I was looking for something more—an opportunity to use my skills to make a tangible impact on the lives of people in need. Indwell and its bold vision appealed to me,
and I’ve been able to live out my faith and use my abilities to further the mission.

While the accountant of a growing charity like Indwell always loves to see donations and government grants to fund new “bricks and mortar,” it’s often the stories and the sacrifice behind the average, smaller gifts that impact me the most. We have several tenants—on very limited incomes—among our dedicated 188 monthly and occasional donors as well as pensioners in small apartments living simple lifestyles so they can give. We have others finding ways to sell things to create extra income so they can donate, and we’ve had people who had been supporting us through their church anonymously who have left a bequest through their estate. There are so many inspiring stories and often I haven’t or won’t hear the stories behind how you and others give.

The fact is, Indwell needs and values the support of donors at all levels to convey the message of hope to those who have been marginalized by abuse and mental illness. Government capital grants and financing get us well on the way to building new homes, but we rely on donations to cover a portion
of our operating costs of running programs with dedicated support staff that create a culture of healing and hope for our residents. Donations also fuel our growth by allowing
Indwell to invest in preparing for new programs and expanding into new communities. It takes a lot of time, expertise, engagement, and cost to grow in a healthy and sustainable way, and we must grow; the need is so great and our vision is clear!

If you are a donor, or are becoming a donor, you are a vital partner for Indwell. We thank you, and we thank God for you! You are making a difference, bringing stability, dignity, and hope to people who couldn’t imagine this before finding a home at Indwell.

Donate Now or learn more about our planned giving options

Send a note of encouragement

Now more than ever, it is important that our tenants feel connected with others, even if they cannot be physically connected. Send a note of encouragement to be shared with our tenants who are feeling isolated at this time.

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