The last few months have been a journey as we learn together how to navigate these unprecedented times. We’re doing it together, as a community. As we are in all our programs, in Woodstock’s Blossom Park Townhomes and Apartments we’re working hard to find new and innovative ways to support our tenants while practicing and encouraging physical distancing and frequent handwashing.
As a staff team, we’ve shifted to host a mix of in-person and virtual office hours, adjusting how we deliver medications and meals, and providing one-to-one support navigating the internet or arranging a time when folks can virtually connect with outside supports. Each day as we adjust, we’re asking, “What’s working for our staff and tenants?” and “Where can we improve?” In April, Indwell created a Food Box Program where tenants can purchase a discounted bag of meal staples. That, in combination with other food security resources, has been essential in allowing tenants to limit shopping trips. Tenants are figuring out ways to come alongside their neighbours—whether it’s emotional support or assistance with errands.
Our community partners are sharing resources and collaboratively working on creative solutions to meet the needs of our tenants:
• As an organization, we’ve been blown away by the fantastic response to our request for gowns as well as the many cards and letters of encouragement that we and our tenants have received and that continue to come in on a regular basis.
• Some volunteers are adjusting by checking-in with tenants by phone,
• A local church donated meals when they could no longer come in for their monthly collective kitchen.
We’re so thankful to the Oxford community for their support, now and always. It’s been beautiful to me to see each person bringing themselves in a vulnerable way each day to be alongside one another.
I’ve been amazed as I’ve felt more connected—even while we’re at a distance through these times of uncertainty—and felt comforted by the support of the Indwell and Oxford communities. We’re all planning for the “new normal”— and we are so looking forward to being able to celebrate together once we’re able to so again. We’ve already begun the planning!
Especially recently, this verse has been an encouragement to me and our team in Woodstock. I hope it will be to you as well.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
– Romans 12:12